General Character.
A Plummer Terrier should be strong, hardy, active and adaptable, with terrier characteristics and as much substance as possible. They should be equally at home in the house as in the kennel, be highly intelligent, courageous and tenacious. Affectionate, loyal and trustworthy with family and friends, yet should present a bright, alert appearance without displaying any excessive aggression or nervousness.
Medium sized, full of quality with strong bones and powerful cheek and jaw muscles. Slight bull terrier characteristics are encouraged as is a well-defined stop.
Dropped, rounded and neatly pinned to head. Prick or rose ears are not encouraged.
Dark, prominent and oval, set widely apart.
Strong, lips close with no excessive looseness. Teeth strong and even with full scissor bite.
Strong, elegant, especially in the case of bitches, and well carried.
Shoulders and Forelegs.
Strong, well laid back and developed without excessive muscle tone. Forelegs should be set square and straight and not tied in. Feet should be well shaped and dense. No resemblance of bend in front.
Back, Hindquarters and Hind Legs.
Back and loins, muscular, strong and well coupled with well-defined muscle development. Hindquarters, should be lengthy and strong, with a well set on tail. Hind legs, second thigh should be strong and muscular. Hocks, clean and flat, turning neither inwards nor outwards. The hind leg must not be too bent. Feet, well-shaped and dense.
Square in appearance when viewed from side, i.e. distance of shoulder to ground. Depth through heart should be easily spanned by two hands placed just behind the shoulders.
Carried high. Preferably docked and balanced to the size of the dog. Curled tails not encouraged.
Short, close and without guard hairs, yet with the ability to withstand weather. Loose/broken coats not acceptable.
Colour and Markings.
A bright fiery red with white. Full cape markings from head to tail, or a broad collar of white between head and shoulders are encouraged. Underside of the belly and chest, front and rear legs should be white although flecking is acceptable. Head either solid colour, or with stripe or badger marked. Red self-coloured terriers, tri-coloured, brindle black or black and white terriers should not be encouraged.
Maximum height to the shoulder, dog or bitch, 14 inches.
Should be light, energetic, free, true and forcible and cover the ground. Hocks should be flexed under the body with straight powerfull leverage.
Undershot or overshot mouths. Unsoundness, coarseness or displaying a hereditary fault.
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